




Jazzopolis -

Welcome to the Jazzopolis!


Inspired by CPU Bach, a 90s' program that generates music in the style of bach, this generates music instead in the genre of jazz, using just pure algorithms, no machine learning. This runs pretty fast (Practically no time for chords, bass, solo takes a few seconds), even with really poor optimization. I plan to rewrite this with better code and in an actual language like java. It uses a point based system for ranking chords, basslines, solos. For ranking chords, it essentially aims for more similar chords the farther the key signature, and for key signatures closer, for maybe +1 sharp/flat, or the same key, it makes the chords as different as possible.

I would reccomend messing around with some of the parameters, you can achieve alot of different tones and styles

I would reccomend messing around with some of the parameters, you can achieve alot of different tones and styles

TODO: backtrace until solo part with many good branches if points for one part are too low

TODO: Dissonance calculator for solo

Key change probabilities:

Note: values do not have to add up to 1, one value can be 600 and the other can be 400 for example and it will be automatically be translated to a normal probability in the program

Rhythm Parameters

Parameters to modify the rhythm for the solo

Solo's note parameters

The solo generates its note values in 3 note segments, rating them based off how random they are, then combining these probabilities with its previous segments. For example, a segment could be C-D-E, C-E-G, and lotsa things

